Travel Programs old

     Our East Coast and West Coast travel programs generally have United States or California state history as the root subject of study.  Most often, the anchor destinations are the respective capitols and then nearby points of interest are included based upon the length of the tour.

     For example, a five day East Coast studies tour will include Washington, D.C. and then extend to Gettysburg, and/or Philadelphia.  If the duration is longer, then New York, Boston, or the historic triangle in Virgina (Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown) could be added.

     Our California state history tours have the capital city of Sacramento as the anchor and extend to destinations such as Gold Country (Coloma) and San Francisco for tour lengths of three days and longer.  Not all our historic and cultural California tours involve government.  San Diego, coastal California (Monterey, missions), San Diejo, and Yosemite are fascinating field studies.  See:√ WEST COAST TOURS