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Providing High Quality, Fully Escorted Educational Tour Programs for Pre-formed Student Groups

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San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge is an iconic symbol for inspiring our students to Dream Big

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Gold Panning on the American River is a highlight of tours for young students studying California state history.

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Man the guns!

Man the guns!

Historic battlefields such as Gettysburg are a fascinating learning experience bringing to life the struggles that shape history.

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The “Big Apple”

The “Big Apple”

New York City from Battery to Central Park; Lady Liberty to Empire State, the “Big Apple” teems with energy and style.

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Umbrella Rides The Wind

Umbrella Rides The Wind

Quisque ullamcorper enim vel tellus rhoncus et fermentum diam congue. Phasellus eu turpis lorem, id gravida nunc. In bibendum nulla vel quam pretium a fringilla erat ornare. Etiam hendrerit quam sed orci congue posuere laoreet urna condimentum. Nam vestibulum gravida semper. Maecenas ac nunc purus, et aliquam urna. Curabitur quis tellus vitae dolor tristique egestas. Fusce metus sem, accumsan vel auctor non, laoreet eget nulla. Donec lacinia elit ac nulla hendrerit at tincidunt justo facilisis. Praesent vel risus ut urna vestibulum fermentum. Pellentesque sollicitudin cursus blandit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas sed nulla sed lacus elementum dapibus. Praesent hendrerit semper tempor. Integer sollicitudin ultrices...

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