Day Two – 164481260, 2-Day West Coast Edventure

What a day this is!! Both bus classroom groups (the entire fourth grade class and their parents) went onto the Assembly Floor of the California State Capitol building and met Assemblywoman Young Kim. She was amazing! She shared openly about the Assembly beginning each sessions in prayer and the importance of our Judeo-Christian heritage in government. Thanks so much to the office staff of Assembly Kim for being so gracious to...

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Day One – 164481260, 2-Day West Coast Edventure

Day 1 of the Sacramento and Gold Country begins! First Stop: Coloma: Panning for...

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Get Ready – Your tour is almost set to begin!

This is the location for the 164481260 2-Day West Coast Edventure Tour BLOG … Welcome! We’re almost LIVE! The information will be updated as is practical during the tour. There will be a BLOG page for each day of the tour which will contain descriptive text and photos of the various experiences. The pages also provide a common and strategic location to update family and friends back home of information regarding travel and arrival times. So please bookmark this page of the American Edventures site and check it each day. You are encouraged to pass the link around to extended family and friends who would also like to follow along. Those on the tour can send pictures to Your Grace Christian School Tour Departs Wednesday, April 20th Thanks for checking in … more to follow...

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